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Leveraging key technologies to achieve sustainability

We have always considered challenges within the larger context. Today, this means acknowledging that no one single solution or technology can get us towards our goal of net zero emissions. This is why we have selected and developed five key technologies which make up the center pillars of our decarbonization strategy, complementing our existing and always evolving core portfolio.

These technologies are able to reduce emissions in hard-to-abate sectors such as shipping, power and heat generation, industrial processes such as cement and chemicals, which are energy-intensive and hard to electrify. Green engines, solutions for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), as well as innovative industrial-scale heat pumps, cost-effective electrolyzers for green hydrogen production and retrofitting solutions – all of these technologies give us the leverage to decarbonize industries as quickly as possible.

Our five core technologies have immense leverage to reduce CO2 emissions. With these alone, we can address up to 10% of global CO2 emissions.

Dr. Gunnar Stiesch, CTO

Key transitional technologies

The following figures are examples of the benefits of MAN Energy Solutions’ solutions

of CO2 saved by a 16,000 TEU ship fueled by green methanol
households can be supplied with climate-neutral heat by a 50 MW heat pump

5 key future technologies

We offer a portfolio of pioneering future technologies that help fight climate change while presenting significant market potential and business success. With our know-how, expertise and leading edge in each of these technologies, we are well-equipped to provide sustainable solutions to the current climate challenges.

We retrofit ships and plants to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.

Our green engines powered by future fuels such as green hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, and biofuels, are essential for long-term decarbonization.

We are also working with partners on CCUS (carbon capture, utilization, and storage) to capture and store unavoidable carbon dioxide emissions.

Lastly, our heat pumps are an energy-efficient solution for heating and cooling buildings by reducing energy demands.

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Monday, April 24, 2023

World’s Largest Methanol Engine Marks “Unbelievable Achievement”

HHI-EMD – an MAN Energy Solutions two-stroke licensee – marks milestones in Korea with successful FAT of world’s largest methanol-powered, two-stroke engine and surpassing of 200 million brake-horsepower

At a ceremony in South Korea on March 22nd, HHI-EMD celebrated the world’s largest methanol-powered two-stroke engine, an MAN B&W G95ME-LGIM type. Simultaneously, the engine’s manufacture pushed the company past the 200 million brake-horsepower milestone for low-speed, two-stroke engines.

Bjarne Foldager, Head of Two-Stroke Business, attended the ceremony on behalf of MAN Energy Solutions. In a speech at the event, he congratulated Hyundai, referred to the cooperation between the two companies that started in 1974, and noted that Hyundai was the first engine manufacturer to reach the 200 million bhp mark: “It took about 35 years for the first 100 million brake-horsepower, and only 13 years for the next 100 million – an unbelievable achievement!”

Regarding the engine itself, Foldager continued: “With its 95 cm cylinder bore-size, this is the world’s largest methanol engine. And maybe most importantly, when this engine is in operation it will save 130,000 tons of CO2 annually when operating on carbon-neutral methanol. We have a great responsibility for the future to develop and produce environmentally-friendly engines and ships. We are really proud of helping Hyundai on this important journey and hope to celebrate many new milestones together in the future.”

Subsequently, the G95ME-C10.5-LGIM methanol engine could report a successful FAT (Factory Acceptance Test) during the first half of April.

About the MAN B&W ME-LGIM engine


MAN Energy Solutions developed the ME-LGIM dual-fuel engine for operation on methanol, as well as conventional fuel. The engine is based on the company’s proven ME-series, with its approximately 8,500 engines in service, and works according to the Diesel principle. When operating on green methanol, the engine offers carbon-neutral propulsion for large merchant-marine vessels. Currently more than 100 ME-LGIM engines are on order or in service, more than 50 of which are G95ME-C10.5-LGIM variants.

Methanol carriers have already operated at sea for many years using the engine, and, as such, the ME-LGIM has a proven track record offering great reliability and high fuel-efficiency.




Nils Søholt

Trade Press Marine

Group Communications & MarktingMAN Energy SolutionsTeglholmsgade 412450 Copenhagen SVDenmark

t +45 33 85 26 69

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