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  • MAN Energy Solutions on Social Media

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Follow us on our social media channels

We present ourselves on the various social media channels and offer insights into the world at MAN Energy Solutions.



MAN Energy Solutions @ LinkedIn

Our technology portfolio incorporates the experience of over 250 years of engineering tradition. Subscribe to our LinkedIn profile and get to know us!

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Careers@MAN Energy Solutions

Follow our carreer account Careers@MAN Energy Solutions on LinkedIn and receive information about international career opportunities and testimonials from our employees. We look forward to getting to know you!

To our LinkedIn career channel




MAN Energy Solutions @ YouTube

Intelligent energy systems, subsea installations, the conversion of marine engines to run on LNG and digital services are the examples used to demonstrate MAN Energy Solutions’ innovative strength.

We intend to transform energy into sustainable prosperity and progress – together with our customers, our partners and all our colleagues around the globe. That is 'Future in the making‘.

To our Youtube channel



MAN Energy Solutions Karriere @ Instagram

Electricity for the islands of Indonesia - What is it all about? What does ETES mean? Why is diversity so important for MAN Energy Solutions?

Subscribe to our Facebook channel and find out what drives us right now, get to know us and our colleagues #MANES #FutureInTheMaking #WOMENATWork

To our Instagram channel



MAN Energy Solutions @ Facebook

At MAN Energy Solutions, we are putting all our energy into shaping solutions for sustainable prosperity. We have set ourselves the goal of delivering the technical solutions that will usher in a new era for the global economy - the era of climate neutrality.

We want to be a company that works on solutions that society really needs.

Like it? Thumbs up! Then visit us on our Facebook account and learn more about us.

To our Facebook channel


MAN Energy Solutions Karriere @ Facebook

Electricity for the islands of Indonesia - What is it all about? What does ETES mean? Why is diversity so important for MAN Energy Solutions?

Subscribe to our Facebook channel and find out what drives us right now, get to know us and our colleagues #MANES #FutureInTheMaking #WOMENATWork

To our Facebook career channel



MAN Energy Solutions @ Twitter

We transform energy into sustainable progress and prosperity. Together with our partners, we are setting standards on the way to a climate-neutral world.

Learn more on our Twitter account and tweet with us.

To our Twitter channel


Do you have questions?

We have answers and look forward to your call or e-mail. Just reach out to the HR specialist for your specific topic – there is one at every MAN Energy Solutions site.

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