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Energy storage – managing fluctuations in renewable energy 

The increasing share of renewables, especially wind and solar power, means that power grids are experiencing ever larger fluctuations. There are periods with too much or too little green electricity, stretching base-load power plants and grid infrastructures to their limits. 

Energy storage supports the energy transition

Producing power from renewable sources means volatility – and energy storage is the key to matching supply to demand.

Generating electricity from renewables varies greatly due to the unpredictable nature of the weather. In some cases, renewable power plants end up producing more electricity than is actually needed for current demands. Energy storage systems solve this problem by storing surplus energy and making it available at a later time as needed. Electricity can then be taken from the stored energy and fed into the grid.

Energy storage systems can integrate renewables by shifting energy to high-demand periods, or provide grid services like frequency control or spinning reserve. It's also possible to use the stored energy in the form of heat and cold, or as synthetic fuel e.g. for transportation. In addition to being a key component in the expansion of renewables and ensuring a sustainable, reliable and economic power supply, energy storage systems are also an important factor in what is known as "sector coupling".

of utility-scale energy storage systems will be integrated into global power systems over the next 10 years
of renewable electricity was curtailed and lost in Germany in 2017
GW p.a.
minimum average increase in capacity required for renewables by 2040 to keep global warming below 2 °C

Developing versatile energy storage solutions for all types of applications

Electro-thermal energy storage

MAN ETES is a flexible solution that couples the electricity, heat and cooling sectors – effectively increasing renewable energy production while cutting CO2 emissions.  

Power-to-X solutions

Power-to-X is a sustainable solution for producing synthetic fuels, methane or hydrogen, and providing long-term energy storage –securing a reliable power supply of carbon-neutral energy.

MAN turbomachinery for liquid air energy storage

LAES is a long-term, large-scale and cost-effective solution that can be implemented practically anywhere. It provides the necessary storage to make fluctuating renewable sources capable of bearing base loads – for reliable power.  

MAN turbomachinery for compressed air energy storage

CAES stores large amounts of energy for extended periods of time in geological reservoirs – an effective, economical approach for large-scale applications. 

Molten salt energy storage

MAN MOSAS is an innovative, versatile and cost-effective storage solution with a variety of different applications in the energy industry. 
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Energy storage solutions for a greener planet

MAN Energy Solutions is your ideal partner for energy storage, offering environmentally sound solutions for a carbon-neutral future. Start producing more energy with less waste.

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